Where did public money spent on journalism during the pandemic go?

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    R T

    Interesting update from the Public Interest News Foundation https://www.publicinterestnews.org.uk/

    This week, we’re sharing evidence we submitted to the Covid-19 Inquiry, in which we and others argue that the then government unfairly spent many millions of pounds in its ‘All In, All Together’ pandemic response scheme.

    “Where did public money spent on journalism during the pandemic go? How did the Government make these decisions, worth up to £200 million? ”

    In our submission, we and many other experts and stakeholders argue that the decisions were made regarding how many millions of public money were spent:
    Without appropriate process or care,
    In a manner that caused public money to be spent unfairly,
    Without justification or accountability, and
    Without due regard for journalistic independence and the protection of democracy.
    The scheme was announced in April 2020 as an agreement between the government and News Media Association under which member newspapers and their online outlets would deliver Covid-related information to their readers on the government’s behalf in the form of paid-for advertising.

    Full report and submission is here: https://www.publicinterestnews.org.uk/_files/ugd/cde0e9_c674d36b752c4265a0d4c88397d998dd.pdf

    Wrexham.com is a member of the ICNN – and you can see reference to the ICNN in the PDF.

    This tweet is also referenced in it:



    So on reading the document, despite trying ICNN was excluded ?



    That makes for interesting reading. Once more we are shown how the government ruled, at best in a Cavalier, at worst criminal fashion. Many of the members of the government seemed to allow the power they found themselves now able to wield go to their heads with Matt Hancock being amongst the worse so affected the hateful little man he is!

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