What are you looking forward to?

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    After the Olympic Torch, Jubilee and the like what ‘big’ (or small!) events are you looking forward to in/around Wrexham?



    Wrexham science festival. Wrexham Science Festival

    Is wrex.com going to be doing any coverage?



    The wrexham Volunteer Centre and Caia Park Environmental Group event next Saturday in town. You can visit AVOW: Assocation of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham | AVOW for more details.



    Looking forward to the volunteer and environmental event on Saturday on Queens Square. Also all the events that are taking place that have been arranged by Wrexham Carers Service for Carers Week 18 -24 June.
    There is also a Big Health Day on Tuesday 19th June in the Memorial Hall in Wrexham which sounds like its going to be great.
    There is more details on AVOW: Assocation of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham | AVOW



    @julestrevor 1192 wrote:

    Looking forward to the volunteer and environmental event on Saturday on Queens Square. Also all the events that are taking place that have been arranged by Wrexham Carers Service for Carers Week 18 -24 June.
    There is also a Big Health Day on Tuesday 19th June in the Memorial Hall in Wrexham which sounds like its going to be great.
    There is more details on AVOW: Assocation of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham | AVOW

    Of course The Big Health Day next week and it’s Carers Week too

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