Weather in Wrexham

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    Wxm born bred

    Just hoping someone from the council sees these posts and gets a JCB or plough down the housing estate roads and clear them ? It’s annoying when the main roads are passable but you can’t get to them.
    I’m in Newbroughton and can’t get my car out for work (was supposed to be in this morning), and my colleague who picked me up yesterday can’t move this morning, and his power is off to add insult to injury.
    Not looking great for Monday if I can’t get the car out :rolleyes:



    Same here, the main roads are passable but the side streets are terrible, also the pavements are deep. I was having to walk on the main road and dive into deep snow each time a car came.


    Wxm born bred

    @Rondetto 4903 wrote:

    Same here, the main roads are passable but the side streets are terrible, also the pavements are deep. I was having to walk on the main road and dive into deep snow each time a car came.

    Same here. Had to WALK to the chippy last night :eek: for my tea, and the footpaths are horrid. Nearly dropped my curry and chips twice ;)



    Nothing worse than a cold curry.:D


    Welsh Dresser

    Have just joined the neighbours and cleared our road as best we can. If we can clear the estate by Monday we have a chance of going to work next week. I had forgotton how heavy a shovel full of snow can be! Oh my aching back. Snowman next on the agenda me thinks lol



    I’ve done the same here, and my back is aching too. A shovel of snow is heavy. Not doing any more now, I’ll pray for rain instead.



    It looks like community spirit is alive and well in Wrexham, instead of waiting for the Council to come along and clear estate roads people are clubbing together and doing it for themselves ! Of course there maybe an ulterior motive, thousands need to get to the coaches early tomorrow morning for the trip to Wembley for the Wrexham final! Good luck Wrexham FC ,a bit of snow is not going to deter your supporters!



    I saw many waiting in King Street this morning, their coach was late at that time, I expect they must be staying the night in London.


    Welsh Dresser

    My snowman is done! Have finished playing in the snow for today. Guess I can put off the ironing no longer. Back to the mundane chores for me!



    Blimey!! I finished my ironing earlier, done the vacuuming too, now going to settle in front of the tv. If there’s no more snow I might try and get the car out to go to the supermarket in the morning. If not I’ll have to walk again.

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