Spit The Dummy Out – Plaid Cymru

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    After watching the Plaid Cymru pantomime at today’s LDP meeting. If ever they get in power. Wrexham will die overnight



    My granddaughter was born ( in 2013 ) after the last LDP was rejected.
    At 10 she is far too mature to say “ s’not fair “ any more .
    Pity Plaid have not got that maturity .
    Not so much ‘ spitting their dummy out ‘ as leaving the playground ( to them ) they were supposedly sent to govern in .



    This LDP was started back in 2010 under a previous Chief Executive, and Leader of the Council and before the Labour Party split when some resigned from the party. So its based on economic factors 13 years out of date. A 2021 Census that showed many of the assumptions held 2010 are proving wrong. This LDP is only going to be in use for a short time before the next one will be under construction. This mess is over a decade in the making, those with long memories will know Labour was in power in Wrexham then and had been for decades.



    Sorry participant – you are out by a year .The UDP ( Unitary Development Plan ) agreed by Labour Clwyd and Labour Wrexham Maelor pre 1996 ran out in 2011. Different Chief Executive and the council was a Lib-Dem coalition-Labour in opposition.
    LDP 1 submitted late 2011 and rejected in early 2012 ( pre election) as not robust enough.
    Labour minority administration May-2012-September 2014 set up a Planning Policy Panel to investigate the evidence ( not personal opinions) needed for a robust plan .
    At the end of this process the Independent-Tory administration of Pritchard and co was submitted in November 2018 for investigation and interrogation, prior to adoption.
    If as you suggest the evidence was not robust this time , specifically, was the time to make the case!
    Returned after the rigours of this process to same council -same groups in charge (sic) and same opposition (Labour only as Plaid Cymru had opted to be Pritchard’s poodles). And finally adopted today.
    They say “ history is written by the winners !” Plaids fiction is an attempt for the losers of an argument to do so!




    Sorry Wrexview – you are out by a year .The UDP ( Unitary Development Plan ) agreed by Labour Clwyd and Labour Wrexham Maelor pre 1996 ran out in 2011. Different Chief Executive and the council was a Lib-Dem coalition-Labour in opposition.
    LDP 1 submitted late 2011 and rejected in early 2012 ( pre election) as not robust enough.
    Labour minority administration May-2012-September 2014 set up a Planning Policy Panel to investigate the evidence ( not personal opinions) needed for a robust plan .
    At the end of this process the Independent-Tory administration of Pritchard and co was submitted in November 2018 for investigation and interrogation, prior to adoption.
    If as you suggest the evidence was not robust this time , specifically, was the time to make the case!
    Returned after the rigours of this process to same council -same groups in charge (sic) and same opposition (Labour only as Plaid Cymru had opted to be Pritchard’s poodles). And finally adopted today.
    They say “ history is written by the winners !” Plaids fiction is an attempt for the losers of an argument to do so!



    Born Acorn

    Plaid are acting like voting this down would have saved Wrexham from ever having houses built again, despite us having 12 years of completely unchecked housing estates granted on appeal… because we had no plan in place.



    And the real farce is that in less than half the time we have had no development plan ( just short of 12 years) we will need a new one .
    With the current bunch of duckers, ditherers and dumbos I don’t hold much hope of success.
    Something needs to change !



    Ten Wrexham Councillors Leave Labour Group & Labour Party

    This is almost 10 years ago, some of the current ruling independents , were Labour then.



    When the new prison build was being discussed, creating around 764 jobs for outside people and around 413 for local people. Where did Cllr Terry Evans, who was reported as saying,” It is a lifeline for the economy of Wrexham.” expect the 764 employees from outside to find housing. Cllr Mark Pritchard was also in full support of the prison proposals.

    These two counsellors were against the LDP primarily on the number of houses that were being proposed could be built.

    How times change.

    Surely, a developer will only build houses if there is a market for them.

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