Should we have a standalone Wales-wide Covid Inquiry?

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    As different laws & advice were applied & with the NHS devolved it makes sense to me to have seperate inquiries.


    AMA Express

    Who will gain anything from it apart from lawyers, barristers, ‘experts’ etc ?



    As covid is still with us, isn’t it vital that lessons be learned for future reference such as the effectiveness of lockdowns, NHS in Wales, vaccines & whether funding was put to the best possible use?



    I think little would be achieved when broadly speaking, Wales followed the Westminster lead a week or so later.
    The lessons learned from the national Covid enquiry would be equally applicable across the U.K.
    One question that maybe still outstanding is why did the Welsh Government dither?


    Born Acorn

    The only dithering was in Westminster.

    The first Lockdown started across the UK at the same time, 23rd March 2020.

    The second lockdown in Wales started on the 23rd October 2020, England followed on the 5th November.

    The third lockdown in Wales started on the 12th December, England followed on the 5th January.

    Wales stopped Sporting events over high winter in 21/22, England didn’t even bother.

    If I remember rightly it was usually “leaked” that Boris’ science advisors had recommended the same times we did it, but he would wait until the public pressure built a week or two later.


    Born Acorn

    I should add that I think an all-Wales enquiry is good and should be held, but I can’t help but think it’s being pushed by some incredibly hurt people who just want a target to point fingers at for that pain, when it was an unprecedented Pandemic.

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