Should the Maelor Hospital be separate to rest of Betsi

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    It may be a massive jump to bring the Maelor Hospital back into local control and management but in view of what is going on across North Wales in Betsi it looks like patients in Wrexham are missing out. At least if there is local control when things go wrong, they are closer to the issue.
    Betsi is out of control and the Labour Party have lost any sense of Political control on management and funds.
    Wales deserves far better – it is not about throwing extra of millions it is about efficiency and crucially dedicated staff who are rewarded for doing good not like at present it does not matter how bad your performance you still get paid until someone decodes it’s time to boot out due to incompetency you get a nice payoff is created.
    Why won’t out Local MSs Lesley Griffiths and Ken Skates make any statement after all we are all their constituents – Ms Griffiths in particular must know some of the issues as she has been the Health Minister before.
    I would give the two of them personal respect of they spoke openly rather than being corralled by the Party Whip. There future in the next election could balance on how they deal with this issue on their doorstep.


    Owain Glyndwr

    Derek, Welsh Hospitals should start using your Tory model because the English health service is amazing!



    What is the Tory model you have indicated that I have referred too. Take the political leaning of the source and look at the detail which is not politically about who runs the Health Service but the fact that there is a system that has operated which has permitted so much financial irregularities to have occurred. Give this is undertaken by people who could be from any particular political persuasion is immaterial – criminal activity should be dealt with accordingly and not based on the political colours.

    Do you have a comment about the substantive issue – Fraud!


    Owain Glyndwr

    Derek, i know you have contacted NHS Counter Fraud about Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board and certain contracts but if you have evidence of serious fraud, you must contact the Serious Fraud Office. I have put the link here:

    If you work for the NHS you can whistleblow.

    Good luck




    More insight into the Betsi troubles on BBC last night


    Owain Glyndwr

    Wrexham & Clwyd South MPs call for police investigation into Health Board ‘accounting scandal’

    “I’d like to complain about people who constantly hold things up by complaining about people who complain. It’s high time something was done about it!”



    Is this the real weakness in the term “special measures” on paper the responsibility for running BCUHB is with the Welsh Government , but reality is “ we will send some support “ and turn a blind eye to the real problems and deny any responsibility!



    How has the Health Minister found all these ‘Special Advisors’to sort out Betsi. Why have they not been sorting health services across the whole of Wales. Trying to make the focus Betsi when there are problems across the whole country is disenguious to people living in the South as well. Total lack of ownership by Welsh Government. From the days of Edwina Hart, Mark Drakeford, Lesley Griffiths, Vaughan Gethin and now Eluned Morgan, not one of them created any form of sustainable health service. Longer ang longer waiting lists, good staff being stressed out, more and more excess deaths and Coroner enquiries. No wonder the people of Wales are demanding change. Health should not be a political football to kick backwards and forwards over Offa’s Dyke into England.

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