Plas Coch McDonald’s drive thru or EV Chargers?

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    What would be more helpful for the Plash Coch location would be an Electric Charging Hub, it could easily fit 24 charging points plus some Tesla chargers, Wrexham & North Wales has Terrible EV charging infrastructure it virtually does not exist, we need charging speeds 120kwh to 300kwh so you can charge in under 20 minutes but minimum 50kwh. Can pop into the Range while charging. But it seems Wrexham Council is doing very very little to bring Electric Infrastructure or incentivising companies into the area, 7kwh – 14kwh chargers are not what most want.



    Although I would prefer an EV charging station I cant believe once again Phosphates has been used to as an excuse to dismiss a development in Wrexham “The appeal was eventually dismissed over phosphates”. Seems like not even a if you do this then it will be approved but NO. Im sorry but this is just Natural Resources Wales (NRW) having to much POWER & Loving it, they are jobsworth, NRW needs oversite urgently.



    The phosphate issue is a problem with the new stand being built at the Racecourse Ground, The new stand can hold 5,500 fans but will be limited to under 5,000. Wouldn’t have thought it would make that much of a difference.



    For McDonalds & the Racecourse development I cant seem to find in Plain English why/How extra Phosphates are getting into the Water ways? is it just from the disturbance of the land? from Toilets? Can anyone explain the logic in Plain English.



    Sewage goes to the water companies who then put it into the rivers.
    Instead of getting the water companies to stop doing that they want to stop building things instead as their logic is more buildings = more sewage. Real logic = same number of people = same amount of sewage, just coming from different places.

    If they really want to tackle phosphates without stopping the water companies doing whatever they want then surely they have to do something to tackle population rather than buildings.



    Why does the kop project not have an onsite phosphate filtration system – incorporated into a large expensive project which will have earning capacity from ticket sales would be recouped in a short period of time.

    This can be expensive on a single house development but on large housing projects with shared costs over the time span of a mortgage however could be cost effective.

    Local phosphate schemes are working on other parts of UK. world so why not Wrexham?


    Owain Glyndwr

    Phosphate is the new excuse blocking projects and electric is the new diesel.
    I suppose it makes a change from blaming Russia for everything.



    The maccys should have been rejected on road traffic alone.

    However, the traffic situation could very easily be significantly improved by altering the lane system coming from the Plas Coch retail park towards the b&q roundabout as follows:

    LEFT LANE: town centre and straight across towards hospital/b&q

    MIDDLE LANE: A483 South towards Oswestry.

    RIGHT LANE: Mold and A483 North towards Chester.

    This won’t happen though because those responsible are either inept or just plain lazy.

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