Need a Job?

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    If anyone is looking for a job or knows anyone who is looking for a job then get in touch with us as we need new drivers.

    We have been let down by current drivers and need new taxi drivers ASAP so if anyone needs a job then send us a message here or call the office on 01978 262829.

    If you have never been a taxi driver before then we can go through the whole process of how it works and earnings etc.



    Lots of people need a job including the 500+ drivers licensed by Wrexham council and parked up most of the time. Still I suppose a few more drivers will help somehow.



    Actually Andy a few more drivers will help!

    Speedie Cars took over Atax in 2008 and because Atax was so bad we are finding it very hard to shake off the Atax image even though the owners have left and all the drivers and receptionists have left and we even have a new office number.

    Current drivers think we have no work as they are parked up at other offices even when we are runnning around alot of the time and cannot keep up with demand.

    We need current drivers or new drivers to work for us and no we are not parked up most of the time and are still making good money and losing work on a daily basis due to not having enough drivers.



    Are you looking for owner-drivers or do you have cars available ?



    We need owner drivers and we have a car available for a jockey driver and we can also get more cars if we can get drivers interested in working for us.

    Give us a call if you are interested or know someone who is.

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