Judicial Review

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    If three named Councillors took it upon themselves to act “without lawful authority” and brought about expense to a body to which they are elected to.

    In my opinion, those three councillors should pay for their folly in full and any costs should not be paid from council tax funds.

    Maybe this will teach them a lesson, and just maybe they will learn a Superior Executive Board does not exist above the Executive Board.


    Born Acorn

    If councillors put as much effort into serious matters as they do chasing NIMBY votes we’d be living in a Utopia.



    The three should also have to go before the Standards Committee – presumably their action followed from the Legal Officer first advising that the Council should not go for a Judicial review. This really looks like a breakdown in relationships between the Council Members and the Officers.



    I don’t fully understand the logic of seeking an £80 million pound investment for an enterprise zone only to find there are no new homes for the workers this could attract.

    Wrexham Council pushed all buttons to attain City Status, but now want to reject the growth that could come with it.



    And now in response to being found in breach of the law Plaid Cymru are going full Sunak-Braverman.
    The law doesn’t apply to us as we are carrying out “ the will of the people!”



    The Three Amigos have gone rogue!! This is only because they’ve been busted, imagine how many other times there may have been questionable action.



    I wonder if the three councillors ( nearly called them stooges) were members of WCBC in November 2018 ?
    According to their own website the Unitary Development plan was submitted to Welsh Government and PINS for consideration nearly 5 years ago on 30/11/2018 .
    “ Following a decision of the council on 22/11/2018 . Now apparently they deny the very same information!



    These 3 Councillors should resign also the rest of the stooges that listen to them.
    They should pay all costs themselves and not expect the Council to pay .
    To go behind the backs of their own Officers and instruct another Solicitor to represent them is showing what sort of people they are.
    It is obvious they don’t trust their own Officers who are the professionals.
    What else are they upto wasting the taxpayers money, no wonder we are 23 million in the red, obviously they do not know how a Budget works.
    I hope they are taken to task and do the right thing and resign .



    I take on board the reasoning behind the Judicial review to uphold democratic decisions. However, do full time officers not expect the same respect in giving their democratic advice.



    Not sure even see no, hear no, speak no can be called on for spending that amount of money George, however, valid point on the solicitors looking at the pdf. If you don’t like the answer you’re given, go buy the answer you want, and then ask your mates to support and pay out of the council works fund.

    Deception is the intent here, knowing the rules makes it worse.

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