How Would You Think Different ? Council To Plug £30mil Hole

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    Welsh Dresser;6398 wrote:
    I would say fear stops parents complaining. The fear of your child being singled out and their education suffering.

    Also I think a lot of parents don’t realise they can complain so maybe educating the parents is the first step.

    I know when my son was in school I was slightly in awe of his teachers so was extra polite when I came in contact with them. It wasn’t until I joined the PTA that I realised they were human with all the faults and frailties the rest of us have!

    I’d say parents are on the whole satisfied.



    @Welsh Dresser 6398 wrote:

    I would say fear stops parents complaining. The fear of your child being singled out and their education suffering.

    Also I think a lot of parents don’t realise they can complain so maybe educating the parents is the first step.

    I know when my son was in school I was slightly in awe of his teachers so was extra polite when I came in contact with them. It wasn’t until I joined the PTA that I realised they were human with all the faults and frailties the rest of us have!

    The words of a parent in Wrexham!

    I have heard many parents make it clear they are not satisfied with education standards in Wrexham, they have shared their fears, and Ysgol Clywedog in special measures is measured evidence.



    @thewayneinspain 6392 wrote:

    If parents have voted for the councillors, assembly members,etc or even worse not voted at all, they are to blame when their child does not attain the skills necessary for the real world.

    If parents aren’t campaigning for a better education for their children they are to blame.

    For all the problems at the school, I have never heard of any parents demonstrating for a better schooling system at the school or for any governor or teacher to be removed. You have to ask ‘why is that?’

    I quite agree that this is a problem in a ‘democratic’ system where the voting public appear to have allowed the elites to control their destinies with a wimper. You are correct about parents and several people have made the very shrewd observation about Boards of Governors including local politicians (with an agenda).

    I don’t think it will be easy to stimulate greater active political participation but there is at least the fact of social media, some degree of political competitiveness in Wrexham, media interest generally, and so on. It does seem bizarre that parents have not taken to the streets about the disgraceful Education provided for their children but that may be part caused by the fact of the freedom of choice and the mobility that allows many to exercise it


    Welsh Dresser

    With parental choice in place if a school under performs and parents send their children elsewhere doesn’t that mean that the school in question then only attracts the pupils that are disadvantaged anyway. The ones with the parents who can’t send them further afield because of financial restraints. It’s self perpetuating. How do schools then up their performance to attract back all levels of pupils.

    There wasn’t parental choice when my son was school age. You went to the local school as a matter of course.



    That is exactly right and if you check out the stats on Wrexham Schools you will see how horrendous the flight has been from Clywedog.



    Parental choice is an excellent thing. The problem in Wrexham is that there are no actual differences by design between Comprehensives. The only choices lie between Faith and Language alternatives or between mirror image Comprehensives. Invariably [parents will use crude criteria for making their own choices about the schools involved. Whilst this might involve Results or stats on (say) bullying or absenteeism, it might be a simple question of which schools have the most estate children.

    Choice should be about more subtle criteria based on the child’s abilities and aptitudes but politics have got in the way of this kind of thing


    Welsh Dresser

    I think someone has mentioned in this thread parental snobbery with regards to the choice of schools. I didn’t quite realise what they meant but it seems to exist if the number of estate children has a bearing on the choice.

    I am glad there wasn’t any choice when my son was in school. He did very well in the local school and has a very good job in one of our major cities so the village school system did him very well indeed.



    Snobbery exists everywhere, I have it in my own family. They live slap bang in the middle of Caia yet choose to send their offspring to schools miles away as the local schools are “deprived”. No difference in education, just don’t like the label.

    My 3 boys are for all intent and purposes “estate kids” as we also live in Caia. All 3 either went or attend the local Junior school and then onto Rhosnesni. My eldest is 18 in a few weeks, he left Rhosnesni with 10 GCSE’s mostly A & B grades and is now studying A Levels, he is Autistic and went through the school system with no help. Middle boy is a bit of a loose cannon, struggled his way through Junior school, now diagnosed with ADHD and medicated his grades have shot up and is in the highest group for most subjects, he is also on the Autistic spectrum. Youngest is currently in local Primary, again on the spectrum is showing promising results.

    At the end of the day, unless the child is academically inclined and/or willing to work hard, it doesn’t matter where they came from or whichever school they attend. The same problems that estate kids face exist everywhere, its just the likes of Caia and Plas Madoc are publicised more.



    @michellecook 6446 wrote:

    Snobbery exists everywhere, I have it in my own family. They live slap bang in the middle of Caia yet choose to send their offspring to schools miles away as the local schools are “deprived”.

    Inverse snobbery is much more pernicious. It grates me when people are vilified for aspiring for quality in what they eat, what they wear or even in their kids’ education. It’s an attitude that’s prevalent across much of the town unfortunately.
    Wanting to give your kids the best chance in life should be applauded. In fact all a parent can hope for is for their kids to attend a school where every parent aspires for their child to be the best they can..


    Welsh Dresser

    I think most parents would agree that they want the best start they can provide for their children. What their children do with the opportunity is however beyond the parents control. The children I feel sympathy for are the ones that have the ability to succeed but not the opportunity to fulfill their abilities. Perhaps they have uncaring parents or are from families with financial contraints. These are the ones that can be labelled stupid from an early age and written off. All children have potential but having the resources to unlock that potential is another matter.

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