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    You are a loyal employee, turn up on time and always give of your best. However you find that you are working with an Agency worker as there is a shortage of staff. More pressure on you as they don’t know the ropes and are forbidden to undertake certain tasks. At the end of the shift the Agency worker takes home 55% more pay than you. They earn in two shifts more than you earn in three. Unfair , certainly. After time when this becomes the norm ,your entitled to be disillusioned. The situation is getting worse, more and more people are leaving. This is the reality of nursing today!



    They get 55% more, and the agency make a killing on top of that.
    Money for the middle men, the enablers profiting out of the incompetence, or is it, of those at the top of the tree.
    Possibly associates?
    Makes you wonder as to the reasons behind the situation!



    Beside the unfairness for those who dedicate their working life 52 weeks of the year and agency just dip in and out and probably only work 40 + weeks for same wages it is the huge extra cost to NHS – another example of money going in the wrong place. You can’t however fault agency staff for doing a job, great wage and lots of flexibility.
    The Government need to boost the base wage for permanent staff and put a cap on agency fees to try and rebalance the employment market.


    AMA Express

    Get a job with the agency then. There’s no point in showing any loyalty to the NHS. They don’t care about you.



    The NHS might not appreciate their loyal workforce but the public really do. How has this inequality developed? Why hasn’t it been stopped ( legislated against ) ?

    Supply teachers don’t get extra pay for covering for absent staff, in fact they tend to get paid less than the normal teacher.

    NHS a staff need more pay , better working conditions , flexible hours, active recruitment to fill vacancies on permanent contracts, and fully staffed wards. That should be a baseline on which to build.



    I always believed that nursing was a vocation, not just a job.

    I might be tempted to say, ‘stick your pension scheme, I want the money now.’



    Three billion per year spent on agency nurses , surely this money should be spent on giving permanent NHS nurses a proper pay rise. This would help retention and recruitment.


    AMA Express

    But that wouldn’t solve the shortage. They’d still need to employ the same number of agency staff.



    I imagine that agency staff are mostly made up of nurses who left the NHS for better money? Do agency staff also have shop discounts, pension rights, holiday, maternity/paternity & sick pay?

    We have to be prepared for a tsunami of equally deserving people wanting big pay rises who also worked throughout the pandemic putting their lives on the line.

    The ones who should have received the biggest claps on doorsteps were those selfless people who volunteered throughout covid keeping the country going.

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