Hospital Car Parking

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    I don’t think anyone could disagree with the need for more car parking at the hospital – what should however be happening is taking a long hard look at who are using hospital facilities. How many need to be there? Crucially how many would not need to be in hospital if they had been leading a healthy lifestyle. The obesity in the area is massive leading to all sorts of health conditions, smoking related, alcohol and drug abuse- all of which could be avoided so there is less demand on medical services and less demand on car parking.
    We need to be planning for smaller hospitals due to improved lifestyles and health improvements not thinking we can keep increasing patient numbers in hospital – we will never get enough staff to cope nor the funding.


    Born Acorn

    I’d think many are quite fit, given they walk into town and back every weekday after taking advantage of the free, unregulated car park.



    If and when they extend the carpark more town workers and shoppers will park there. Since Morrisons restricted parking at the supermarket, I think the hospital parking has got worse.



    I was at the Maelor Hospital recently for an 8.30am appointment & even at that time I had to drive up to the top level to park. I was expecting the car park to be almost empty at that time.

    Perhaps a few of the hospital volunteers could assist in checking the length of time cars are parked, much like a parking attendant? A volunteer for each area once an hour would be a very useful way of finding out regular cars users who are neither patients or visitors.


    AMA Express

    [quote quote=166791]
    Perhaps a few of the hospital volunteers could assist in checking the length of time cars are parked, much like a parking attendant? A volunteer for each area once an hour would be a very useful way of finding out regular cars users who are neither patients or visitors.[/quote]

    And what are they going to do with the information ? For instance, having worked there, I know that several members of staff leave their cars in the car park from Monday to Friday as they lodge with other staff during the week and return home at weekends. Several patients come in for surgery and stay for days and their cars are left in the car park during that time. Until there’s a complete record made of ALL staff cars allowed on site, and proper control of the parking areas, there’s very little point in someone patrolling the site and recording vehicle numbers.



    Staff could have stickers to be displayed in their car windows or have a dedicated car park. Is it usual for patients having surgery to drive to hospital?
    Do you have any suggestions to stop shoppers & town workers parking in the hospital car park? I am not 100% sure that they do but something needs to be done if so.
    I feel sure that I remember when a close relative was in hospital a few years ago when there was a charge to park we were given a slip on the ward to put in the car window.
    Park n ride might be one answer but which piece of our rapidly diminishing green space would be taken?



    The non disabled nursing staff also need to be stopped from parking in the disabled spaces outside the main entrance, particularly in the evenings. It’s not very considerate considering they are working in the caring/nursing profession.



    Ioan y Ffin

    In England, there are plenty of spaces in the hospital car parks and people complain constantly about the charges to use them, especially since PFI the charges are siphoned off to private corporations. In Wales, the car parks are free, but there are not enough spaces. Somewhere between these two approaches must lie the most effective system for managing demand and ensuring those who need to be at the hospital can get there. Somebody must be paying for the costs of building and maintaining these car park;, surely the users should make a contribution as well as wider society as a whole.



    [quote quote=166822]The non disabled nursing staff also need to be stopped from parking in the disabled spaces outside the main entrance, particularly in the evenings. It’s not very considerate considering they are working in the caring/nursing profession.


    That’s easy to say, but when one considers that the ‘late’ car park(for staff who are working a 12.30-9 shift) has already been filled by the public and there aren’t any left on the ‘landing strip’ then where do you suggest? Do you want them to arrive in the ward in time to care for you or your relative or not?
    They’re there for at least 8 hours don’t forget, you’re there for 2 at most.
    Why not get a bus or taxi instead(especially if just for a one-off appointment) and leave the car at home?
    Or park a little further away and stroll to the hospital, gaining the benefits of a little fresh air and avoiding that sedentary lifestyle that far too many or now fond of?



    If staff park in the disabled spots, where do genuinely disabled patients park when they arrive before 9am for their appointments?

    could staff not do the right ting and move to non-disabled spots when they are on their breaks?

    PS patients are often there for all day treatments (eg. cancer) not just 2 hours. They start the day stressed trying to park

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