Green Home Grants Wales?

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    England is getting 2 Billion for home efficiency improvements do you think Wales will use some of the £500 million to do the same scheme for Wales as we have the worst housing stock in the UK? I want this to happen but I dont thing the Welsh Assembly care that much.

    The Welsh Assembly is funding “Arbed Am Byth” to improve some homes in wales but that scheme is APPALLING they just pic & choose the areas they want leave so many poorly insulated houses out of the scheme like all on Ponciau.



    i think we need to get this virus out of the way before we start worrying about the green crap again. what use is green when people are still snuffing it?

    Get the job done and move on to other projects i say



    Its about jobs, retaining existing jobs & hopefully.



    Has anyone heard or read about what WAG are doing with our share yet? I will not be happy if yet again only those on benefits gain from it. They surely can’t fit in any more insulation.



    Everybody is on “benefits.” Those who pretend otherwise just like to snobbishly pretend that they’re better than other people.

    The key is to find out who needs this, but can’t afford it.



    Not so. Because I worked & scrimped & saved to pay into a very small private pension scheme I am penalised by the system. It doen’t pay to save for your retirement & I would never advise anyone to do it.



    State pensions, an early foundational education, roads and public transport, prisons, police, the fire service, the NHS, unemployment and disability insurance, infrastructure etc etc. All benefits.



    State pensions, an early foundational education, roads and public transport, prisons, police, the fire service, the NHS, unemployment and disability insurance, infrastructure etc etc. All benefits.

    Nope not benefits for people who have worked for all most or part of their lives, especially the state pension, unless of course you have never worked, then of course then they are all benefits.



    All benefits. There are many different taxes, not just income tax. From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs – and that applies to green home grants too, sorry.



    Tim they are NOT all benefits. You have too many bees in your bonnet mate.
    What benefits are you on then? A grant for your work as a Professor of Psychology at the University of Wikipedia or discounts on your Labour part membership?

    I am a worker and pay into a private pension and pay my taxes etc. Never been out of work since I left school. No kids at home.
    What BENEFITS do I get Tim? I have a mortgage, get no discounts for Council Tax or anything else so I would love to know what my benefits are so I can count my lucky stars.

    Agree with poor zinger and MP1953. As a worker I know I will get sh@gged by the Gov when I retire for being sensible with my dosh. I won’t be retiring at 64 either now!

    So Tim, over to you please.

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