Flintshire Council to rescue Wrexham

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    Well what a major turn up for Wrexham Council bringing in a Senior Manager from Flintshire to prop up the failing Social Care Department when the current Director leaves in March.
    Will they also be bringing in someone from another County to prop up the failing Education system as well.

    The ‘borrowing’ of a manger from a County that not so long-ago Mark Pritchard categorically stated he would not work with Flintshire – talk about having to eat humble pie. Remember the spates he had with Aron Shotton the then Leader of Flintshire Council.

    Why not go the whole hog and get a merger of some service areas to make sure our children and young people and others in our community start getting the help and support they pay for in their rates? We are putting the future of our young people at risk with such poor education and the failing Children’s Social care has been an issue known for years but ignored.

    Let’s hope that Neil (who I believe is well respected in Council and Health circles) can get Council Members and officers to stop burying their heads in the sand and face the reality of the situation in Wrexham.


    Maureen Gray

    ….. can get Council Members and officers to stop burying their heads in the sand and face the reality of the situation in Wrexham

    Bloody hell Derek, you really should go on New Facaes, you’re a natural comedian😂



    There are some very worried people in the Council (staff and Council Members) in Children’s Service who are dreading the publication of their Care Inspectorte Wales recent inspection report.

    Some people are saying the issues are so bad the Council wont be able to turn it around in a short period and will need assistance.

    Another example on the back of the Education Report that is showing the Council are failing so many of our Children and Young people who are some of the most vulnerable in our communities.

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