Employment, Business and Investment Scrutiny Committee

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    The above, known as EBISC in council jargon, were scheduled to meet ten times in 2021. Six meetings took place, whilst four were cancelled.

    This Committee has to oversee the Town Centre Regeneration and Markets. September, November and now December meetings have all been cancelled. It is little wonder the town looks jaded.

    Photoshoots of the Chief Executive Officer with nineteen officials working on the UK City of Culture bid 2025. It’s about time our CEO got his priorities right for the people who pay his salary.



    City of Culture – are we a multicultural town – does not appear to be reflected in the picture!!



    Jane, do we need to add in some token multicultural people to the picture if they are not involved and we just do it for effect? Seems a bit of a con if we did that, just like every advert on the TV features a mix of races which doesn’t represent real life.

    Don’t you think the picture is bad enough having sheep in it, perpetuating the myth that all Welsh people are sheep *******?



    Absolutely WreX iT 80% of this country are white, the other 20% of the population is black, Indian, Pakistani, Chinese etc. But as you say you switch on the tv and would think think that the majority of the population is black, which is a far cry from reality once you get out of the main cities.



    Awww, how upsetting for you two. The more multiculturalism that is represented, the better.



    I think the point that they were making is that the adverts (and the people you see on TV in general) do not actually represent multiculturalism. The trend currently is to over represent black people. People from other ethnic minorities do not get a look in. That is hardly multiculturalism.



    Tim is always quick to jump in with both feet. He reminds me of Dr Foster on his trip to Gloucester in a shower of rain.

    Katy is spot on.

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