Councillors Pay Increases Again.

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    November 2022
    “Don’t forget the 16% rise last year so total increase is 21% in two years!! Anyone else getting that sort of increase?”

    This was posted last year and now twelve months on another 6% is winging its way to all Councillors a total rise in three years of 27%. At a time when the Council can’t balance their books, facing a deficit of several millions , isn’t it time they all take a stand and refuse the pay rise. They will quote the old chestnut “we have to take it ” but they don’t. If they don’t claim it , it is not paid. Remember they can claim other expenses too.



    It gets worse!
    WREXHAM MP Sarah Atherton has blasted the council for “overt politicisation” after she wasn’t formerly invited to the Armistice Day service.

    She said, whilst being invited to attend as a member of the public, she hadn’t been formerly invited to attend as the area’s Member of Parliament.

    Lets get back to being a pie and chips town.

    and what happened to the open air cinema and bar and trees on the roof?


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