Community Testing

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    So PHW are happy that 1400 people have been tested from Caia and Hightown — just looked up there are over 15,000 people in those areas. Surely a figure less than 1% is not statistically good to say it is a reflection of those communities. The % may even be less as people from outside of these areas could go as well.
    Surely no scientific analysis would accept such a low % as being statistically accurate — they need to get back there again and test more people.
    How many people had been tested and were positive before the community testing — what made PHW and the Council think that was a potential hotspot and needed extra testing.
    Perhaps Cllrs Hugh Jones and Pritchard should reflect on what they had been briefed and start asking questions as we have not had answers to the basics that citizens of Wrexham are entitled to know..
    Tell us the truth we are adults.. d


    Councillor X

    Derek, wasn’t the invitation for just for anyone who has any symptoms of coronavirus – no matter how mild and not for Uncle Tom Cobley and all to roll up.
    If i had symptoms then i would have gone but i am pretty fit for my age and feel ok plus you don’t want shielding folk or us older ones exposing ourself to people who may have symptoms.

    Let them get on with it because they cannot force healthy people to go. Anything to detect COVID is a good step.



    I had to stop my elderly Mum from going for a test! She had no symptoms and was going to go along for peace of mind. She doesn’t even go out and has been shielding.

    I told her she would be actually risking contracting Covid!

    Unless you have symptoms I would not go but there again some people are asymptomatic so it’s tricky!




    Many people have acquired covid 19 while patients in the Maelor Hospital. Avoidable if there was adequate infection control ?



    Not sure where you went to school Derek but 1400 tests from a population of circa 15000 is approx 1 in 10 ie 10%. I would suggests that gives a reasonably accurate reflection of the situation, wouldn’t you?



    Weren’t people being invited to be tested from all over Wrexham and not just those areas?


    Councillor X

    They were Matt. But who wants to get a bus or taxi out of their area when they could pick up the virus getting there and back? Especially if they feel unwell.

    I am grateful that they are testing in Wrexham.



    Benjamin thanks for correcting maths- that’s me being confused thinking Caia and whole of Wrexham at same time. Will take my medication next time.

    The issue which is slightly different is a 1% uptake of tests from the whole of the County Borough. Whichever way you cut the numbers it is a long way off the 20% that the Government (Westminster) set as a target early in the pandemic.



    Councillor, what happens if you and the lads took the Wethers Wagon there?
    All part of the same bubble, so reduced risk vs public transport if you can find a designated driver.



    Councillor X

    Matt where did you get a pic of the Raglan Gang from? We were a lot slimmer back then and Fat Daz was just called Darren.

    We sold the wagon to pay off our fines when we were caught smuggling Mad Dog 20/20 in from the USA.

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