Chalk around Brantano

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    We had a few people get in touch about this – Pavements Turn Blue By Brantano |

    A great idea for the kids it seems, but unsure if its lack of supervision or someone actually hijacked the event a day or two after!?



    They’re little tinkers aren’t they ?



    I am Banksy! :O

    The inappropriate drawings were indeed a hijacking after the event. In addition to handing-out and encouraging people to draw, the chalks were left openly available to the public. Several obscene drawings were created and were quickly “altered” into rockets, smiley faces or elephants as and when. Several swear words were also removed.

    However, from what I saw yesterday when myself and a number of children attended Island Green to clear-up, it would appear that some of the chalk went A.W.O.L. and was later used to make additions to the artwork.

    I was personally responsible for the “GOD SAVE THE QUEEN” and “LOOK UP! BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING” statements that came from the lingering emotions of the Jubilee weekend and also by simply looking up whilst at the pavement with chalk. I also wrote “STOP, LOOK & LAUGH” at the pedestrian crossing.

    Throughout the entire day I only received two negative comments from individuals who were not willing to enter into discussion about the chalk drawings and tags. On several occasions, myself and my colleague, were almost brought to tears to see how truly all-inclusive the activity was.

    Children, teenagers, parents, students, visitors, elderly people, business men of all ethnic and economic backgrounds and from every plethora of the human form took part and made their mark on the town.

    Several people simply walked through; one difference being that as they left they had big smiles on their faces. Usually a place of transit, people were stopping and talking to one another or simply taking in the mass of colours and shapes. One woman exclaimed saying “I haven’t played hop-skotch in years! Kids don’t do it any more”.

    This part of the event was completely spontaneous. It had originally been planned that several ‘Loose Parts’ would be made available in addition to face-painting within the Brantano store, however strong winds made this impossible and a quick trip to the Pound Shop gave us a colourful alternative. I also believe that had we planned this part of the event it may not have been as successful.

    As well as allowing children and the public to be expressive and creative, the event also provided an unexpected opportunity to advocate for Play. A school of thought that is still in it’s comparative infancy, Play is a vital part of child development and has benefits in education, physical fitness and health and social skills yet it is often over-looked by the general public and politicians as being a gimmick. This event however showed people first hand how it can effect your emotions and responses, even if it is only the tip of the iceberg.

    Children who had patiently or patiently been shopping with their families had five minutes to engage in their own agenda. What was even more wonderful was the large number of parents and family members who also grabbed the chalk!

    I have, personally, and The Venture have maintained contact with the Brantano store and WCBC regarding the chalk and it has since been removed (as aforementioned) by myself, some children and plenty of water and brushes.

    Hope this sheds some light on the situation and helps encourage Wrexhamites and beyond to consider the inspiring benefits that such an event provided rather than the handful of minimal negatives that crept in.


    Shauny :) x

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