Betsi – Ex Chair breaks silence

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    There is a really interesting article in the Daily Post this morning from the ex-Chair of the beleaguered Health Board. What has been written really opens a huge assortment of problems and should lead to a full enquiry into health servces in Wales. his indicates that there are so many failings and unsafe premises were health services are being provided – it looks like as a patient you could be more at risk trying to get medical health than not. How can any of our Politicians across all Partys allow this level of detrerioration. £600 million deficit and still not having effective easy access health with a reduction in the time to wait. This is clearly a national disaster .



    While there has been a change on the Board again, the Executive Board (next level down in management)membership has remained. They are the ones who didn’t produced adequate reports to the satisfaction of the Independent Members. Some of them are only interim appointments others
    are relatively new to their posts.

    All the players can play the blame game but we have to sort it out somehow …..otherwise it will be the end of the NHS in Wales and what then ! Our thoughts and support should be with the frontline staff who continue to do their best for their patients under very difficult circumstances.



    Welsh Conservatives table no confidence motion in Health Minister Eluned Morgan

    Wonder which way Lesley Griffiths will vote? The NHS should not be a political football used for points scoring between individuals and Senedd and Westminister . Eluned Morgan has not performed well and has not shown the leadership required to bring people together.



    Wrexview – just to clarify that the Exec are not the next level down – there is only one Board and this is made up of Executives and Independents – their roles may be different but share corporate responsibility.

    The last Chair was from the Police and now the new interim chair is from a teaching background are these really the right skills. At least the last one would have dealt with a much larger workforce and budget but that does not seem to be the skill base for the new Chair as schools he had been in would have been miniscule compared with 18,000 staff and over a billion pound budget.

    Who determines the skill requirement for this role?

    Will Lesley Griffiths be prepared to support the view of local residents about a failing health service or will she toe the Party line and either oppose the Motion of no confidence or abstain – same for Ken Skates. This will be a test for them to show whether the electorate or the Political Party comes first.



    I was referencing those listed on the BCUHB website as Executive Board Members as a sub set of the Board.



    Another failure by the Health Board today, for the second time, information requested by the Coroner, not provided by the Board.



    It is unbelievable to see that both our local Senedd Members voted to support the Health Minister- they surely must know from their inboxes the massive issues in North Wales yet they have preferred to put Party Politics above the facts on the ground across our communities. So much for politicians representing their constituents who face access to health services on a daily basis.



    Cross party support for the scandal of pre payment meters , pity they couldn’t all work together on solving the problems of NHS Wales!

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