Atherton abstains

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  • #199258

    Rex Ham

    There was a recent vote in parliament about the additional £20 per week added to people having access to Universal Credit during the pandemic which of course continues.
    The government ordered it’s MP’s to support the cut by voting for it, or abstaining. Six tory MP’s voted to keep the extra benefit. The MP for Wrexham was not one of them and she abstained in line with the government instruction.
    The motion was accordingly defeated.
    Given the outcry against Ian Lucas for opposing Brexit moves which claimed he was voting against the will of his electorate to leave the EU, can we assume that the lack of reaction to Atherton’s abstention, means the majority of Wrexham electorate support the cut in Universal Credit for those who qualify?



    Rex Ham, I think you ought to reread the report!!
    Everything you’ve said is ar*e about face. The motion was put up by Labour and was in fact carried.
    Although it is not binding on the government, it certainly will give them food for thought.

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