2022 What Will Happen in Wrexham?

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    There are plenty of possibilities, City Status , Capital of Culture, promotion to the football league, Council Elections that alter the political landscape, covid 19 declines so normality returns and biggest online hit programme of the year features Wrexham , it’s football club and plenty of local inhabitants. What odds all six will prove true ?



    Let us hope that the election in May bring a change to the current establishment of Rag , Tag and Bobtail!! The current mix of disguised Conservative masquerading as Independents. Lets hope the new Political Party that are looking to recruit in all Wards across the County will bring new blood and a unified approach to planning for services for the next 5 years with a level of accountability to residents.






    Another 7.5% rise in our council taxes.our leader will tell us he has done everthing to keep it down to this but money is tight even with the extra funding from South wales.



    That’s because of Osborne’s unprecedented council budget cuts, as part of the Conservatives’ austerity programme.



    City status will be given to a garden shed in the middle of nowhere, as it presented a more convincing bid.
    Lorry carrying yoghurt crashing in town will be as close as we get to the culture status.
    Council will re-elect “all of the above” on a reduced turnout.
    Wrexham AFC will again start the season touted as “good enough for the playoffs”, while attempting a mid season bid for the relegation zone. Again.
    Netflix sell the broadcast rights to Nat Geographic, who can`t decide whether to broadcast next to the animal shows, as it looks like a zoo, or the alien conspiracy shows; as it looks like alien life on another planet.
    Majority of Wrexham labour supporters still whining about Tory austerity, while sat on bums waiting for UC/PIP to land; as they have for the last 40 years.
    Welsh labour still screwing the welsh NHS up, while aided by WCBC the master plan of educating Wrexham`s youth to a maximum iq of 90 and able to grunt with a welsh accent is stepped up.
    Re-Re-surfacing the A483 delayed until 2023ish, they stuff it up again; road down graded to B status by WAG, as “unnecessary” extravagance for North Wales: Speed limit reduced to 40mph.
    WCBC declare sanctuary status for spice heads; nation wide tour to recruit more to the town.
    Cat A extension to Berwyn announced.
    Plaid have a hissy in Council when the launch bid to rename town “Caia” in recognition of the vast significance of QP to wrexham`s history.
    Library closed as to few can actually read, and the rest are sick of dodging the dossers around the town to get there.
    WAG redefine ambulance waiting times, so the clock does not start running until two hours after arrival at A&E door.
    A&E at maelor closed to reduce waiting times to zero.
    WCBC win national award for outstanding achievement in its cohesive planning department, LDP lauded for its excellence in creative fiction.
    WCBC crest replaced with facepalm emoji.



    JP – you have created a good summary that many people will no doubt relate too. Perhaps a few more points could be-
    Glyndwr sell more land for development of their nice new shiny building but fail to attract students turn to online courses in other Universities.
    Bus services are cut as less people come into Wrexham Town. The busiest buses are those going out to Chester full of pensioners using their free bus pass.
    Charity shops desert the town as they don’t have any customers looking for bargains.
    Wetherspoons introduce Breakfast deals for the under 18s going to school as the ‘regulars’ can no longer get a bus into town.
    Council Contact Centre closes due to lack of people coming into town.
    Buskers desert the streets as no longer worth their while playing in Wrexham so move to Llangollen- richer pickings.
    Who knows someone may be able to find some good news.



    Planning permission granted for dumping of old road surface in quarry just in time for the (nearly new) stuff scraped off the A483 to go in it.



    The road at Newbridge will disappear into the Dee after 12 months of inaction by the WAG.



    Well there you go , first prediction has proved correct, City status granted ! Wonder if another one will follow ? Wrexham to get Football League status would be even better !

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