£1.4M Gateway Improvements Nr Wrexham Bus Station

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    Bit of a mixed feedback on this one so far, some see it as a waste of money, some a welcome investment.

    What do others think?

    Wrexham Bus Station Area Set For £1.4m Facelift | Wrexham.com



    Realising it’s an issue is a promising start, lets just hope they follow through. Any further info on how they are planning to consult the public on this?

    Perhaps whichever form of consultation proves to be constructive could be extended to other parts of the town? Clearly there will not be funding readily available for all areas of concern but it would surely be useful to create a 2, 5 or 10 year plan to aim towards.



    Complete waste of money, again.



    Well if there is grant money available I would rather see it spent in Wrexham than elsewhere. Councils have to bid for grant money and in this case it is under the “Gateway Improvements” scheme, there will be strict limitations on how and where the money can be spent. Hopefully the businesses in King Street will be consulted .


    Born Acorn

    I’m never against these things; as wrexview says, this is grant money. It was bound to be spent somewhere on a similar project (or worse, sometimes they can do some really pointless things under the banner of regeneration).

    Unfortunately I only imagine a re-paving of the pavement and replacing of the kerbs there to match the bus station, with new street furniture to replace the old.

    What King street really needs is the old building knocking down and replacing with a new design (though this would cause issues for tennants while the works take place) or cladding with modern materials.

    It’s right next to Yale College. The right businesses (not more solictors and estate agents) could make a mint there.



    Its about times it got a facelift- long overdue. This development has been suggested many times before. As with everything wrexham council do- I’ll believe it when I see it happen.



    Serious money needs to be spent on the town, but this 1.4 million needs to be spent wisely the street furniture in the town is dreadful therefore we know they won’t do a good job and it would be waste of money, the pavements in town are shocking they would only waste money if they carried out work on them, the only hope is that they improve the shop fascias. I gave ideas to the council on how to improve high street and other areas of the town but obviously they do not listen.



    I always thought it crazy that just after the bus station is rebuilt, they send all the businesses to Eagles Meadow.
    But the craziest thing is that we – the people of Wrexham – pay our taxes to UK Govt, who cream some off to administer sending some of it to Europe, who cream some off for their nice offices where they administer sending a bit of what’s left back to the deserving tax-payer in Wrexham.



    But don’t forget that the very nice people who pay their taxes in England pay for your prescriptions so that you can stay healthy and pay your taxes to the UK Govt.:D

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