Statement from Ricki McNeil

We invited them to tell you a little about who they are, any political history and about their political leanings.

My name is Ricki McNeil.
I spent 10 years in the Royal Tank Regiment and have been a Prison Officer for 30 years.

My family and I moved to Bwlchgwyn over 5 years ago, and was humbled by the welcome we received by the village and wider communities.
I felt i must give something back so,
In my short time Bwlchgwyn, I have served as the Chairman of the residents association, and I am at present a Bwlchgwyn Community Councillor.

My time spent as a community councillor has enabled me to address the villages issues successfully, and now I would like to focus my drive and enthusiasm in helping the residents and communities of Minera Ward.
I am running as an Independent councillor the following reason.
As an Independent I felt I would be able to drive issues that would benefit the communities of Minera Ward and not be tied to a particular party, that may want to influence their opinion of whats best for our communities.
As a free thinker I felt it necessary to put our communities first before any party politics.
I have walked around the communities and personally asked the residents I met, what their concerns and issues were, so that if elected I could look to address them.
The residents of Minera Ward have been very clear as to what they would like done, and if on the 5th May 2022 they decide that they would like me to be their County Borough Councillor, I will be the voice they deserve.
As I have said before. It would be a honoured to expand my drive and enthusiasm to represent the communities of Minera Ward.
Please use your vote for an independent free thinking Councillor that puts you first.
Vote for Ricki McNeil on the 5th May 2022.

Questions & Answers

1. What are the three biggest issues for your ward, how do you think they need to be resolved, and what will you do to achieve it?

2. What do you think needs to be done to help Wrexham recover from the pandemic and what hands-on-role can you play as a councillor ?

3. As a councillor you may have the chance to take on further roles eg. Lead Member, Audit, Scrutiny. What appeals to you and what skills do you bring to that role?

4. What do the words climate emergency mean to you and your ward?

5. What is the biggest thing you would have done differently from the ruling administration over the last 5 years? (Or, if you were part of the Administration - what would you have done differently?)

6. Local health pressures are well documented, from delayed ambulances to issues in the hospital. How can the council help resolve those problems?

7. What will you do on a local level to help support people in your ward affected by the cost of living crisis?

8. How would you improve the local education system?

9. When the public view the Full Council meeting in June, do you envision you could be part of a Party, Group or coalition, and if so, specifically who and why?

10. This is a noteworthy election with 16 and 17 year olds now able to vote, what have you done to engage this new electorate and what do you think is the biggest issue for them locally ?

Social & Web links

Where is my polling station?

Your polling station address should be on your poll card, delivered by post before the election.

How do I vote?

Polling stations are open from 7am to 10pm on Thursday 5th May.

If you don't have your poll card, you can go to the polling station and give them your name and address. You don't need any other form of ID.

Give your name and address to the staff inside the polling station when you arrive. You don’t have to take your poll card with you.

You’ll be given a ballot paper containing a list of the people, parties or the options you can vote for.

  • Take your ballot paper into a polling booth.
  • Follow the instructions on the notices in the polling booth and on the top of the ballot paper to vote.
  • Put it in the ballot box.


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