Disgraceful Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board

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    No wonder staff feel demoralised when they know the health board are employing consultants at £2000 per day to find budgets savings. Then see the idea they come up with saves less money than they are being paid. Your health Board is in debt already, spend what money you do have on staff and patients not useless consultants.Nurture your staff and appreciate their hard work. Sometimes if asked in the right way staff can suggest ways in which savings can be made!



    Fully agree- the top management need to come from the ivory towers and actually talk and listen to those at the front end of service delivery- those brilliant staff who keep the patients comfortable the best they can.
    Senior managers that never listen to those who are really in the know about lots of things that could be done to be efficient and improve services.
    The total of all these ‘extra’ managers is millions a year- if you bring in new managers because the existing ones and achieving what they are paid thousands to run the Health Board- in the private sector you bring in new managers to REPLACE failure and not to add another tier,
    Gross mismanagement from the Ivory Tower of the Welsh Government with the Health Cabinet positions to the senior management team at BCUHB and the entire Board itself as there is no justification for retaining any of these people.
    At least the electorate in 2021 will be able to vote for Assembly Members and new Government the here in Wales but even that may not change the Health Board management and Executive Board.



    It has now been revealed that they are spending another £360,000 over nine months , that’s £40,000 per month, on consulting with an Interim Recovery Director.

    “Yesterday in a comment on the topic a spokesperson for Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board said: “Our priority is to deliver considerable improvements in unscheduled care, planned care and financial management and to achieve this, we are temporarily strengthening our existing capacity and expertise in these areas.”

    Not sure what unscheduled care is but it sounds like A&E, best use for your limited budget would be spend an extra £40,000 per month on more staff in A&E over the winter period and ease the load on your over worked staff!

    How can a Health Board ,with huge debts, approve the spending of such large sum of money on one person with no guarantee that anything useful will be achieved. When you have limited means you need to spend what you do have extremely carefully and get the best value for every penny spent. They don’t appreciate the very best asset they have is their front line staff.



    Utterly disgraceful, unashamedly scandalous.

    A trust is and has been in ‘special measures’ for some time yet they are paying eye-watering amounts for ‘experts’ to supposedly find a quick fix within 9 months??

    Does that mean that managers already in place to actually do their jobs are failing dismally, yet remain in post whilst a pinch-hitter is brought in to bat problems out of the park??

    This whole board needs some serious scrutiny, 3 years of abject failure and STILL no solutions?? Heads MUST roll!




    Surely this is another area where we should have a United Kingdom wide system, people are mobile these days and records need to be easily transferred. Many people who live in Wales get treatment in England. This Welsh system has now been scrapped so the opportunity has arisen to adopt the English scheme that is being rolled out.



    We all pay National Insurance and National Taxes and are told we have a National Health Service- the first two are a given but as far as having a National Health Service it should be reported to Trading Standards for misrepresentation in their advertising. The standards and quality of service available across the UK is so varied and depends on specific Postcode Lottery.
    To have this fiasco locally with Special Measures and management just out of control of budgets and lacking a moral compass – if they had an ounce of compassion those managers that have failed patients and STAFF (who are doing a brilliant job on the front line) should resign. New people are being brought in because of failure yet the cause of failure at management level is not changing.


    AMA Express

    An NHS manager is being paid rates of almost £2,000 a day and allowed to work from his home in Marbella, an investigation has found.




    “Mr Burns’ contract is more than the £200,000 a year earned by the board’s chief executive.”

    Another interesting statistic in the Telegraph article , so the chief executive of the board that has been in special measures for four years is taking £200,000 per year in salary. Is it any wonder there is no money for front line services. Maybe time for performance related pay !



    Last night Betsi Cadwaladr health board decided to force nurses and HCSWs to extend their shifts for no extra pay. The plan is to enforce an extra 30 minute unpaid break per shift, even though many nurses don’t have time to take their breaks as it is,” said Mr Gruffydd.

    Has the gentleman who came up with idea, at the cost to BCHB of £360,000, thought what would happen if the nurses decided to down tools and walk away for a 30 minute break as he has dictated. This is not going help retention or recruitment of nurses.



    Has anyone heard any comments from our MP or AM concerning these consultants.
    No! Not surprising most probably on the same band wagon.
    Mr Lucas almost out of a job and Lesley Griffiths will soon be following.

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