Posted: Fri 2nd Jun 2023

Wrexham Industrial Estate expansion could create 1,500 new jobs for people living in or visiting the Wrexham area
This article is old - Published: Friday, Jun 2nd, 2023

Up to 1,500 jobs could be created on Wrexham Industrial Estate in the next four years if expansion plans come to fruition.

Earlier this year the estate’s largest landowner FI Real Estate Management (FIREM) purchased another 62 acres of land with which to extend, and the firm has now lodged a planning application with Wrexham Council to develop the site.

According to planning documents, if given the go-ahead the proposal will create more than one million square foot of warehouse and office space, with hundreds of car parking spaces on the land.

The site is currently unoccupied and overgrown and has been earmarked as a ‘regeneration site’ within an existing industrial area.

It borders farmland to the east, industrial units to the south and west and an industrial development site to the north.

A design and access statement submitted with the application says: “FI Real Estate Management (FIREM) has underpinned its commitment to Wrexham Industrial Estate with the acquisition of a further 62 acres of development land.

“When added to its existing land holdings on the Wrexham Industrial Estate, FIREM will be able to deliver over two million square foot of much needed, high quality employment space bringing its total investment to the estate to over £130m and helping to create in the region of 1,500 new jobs over the next four years.”

According to the applicants, the new development will provide more than one million square foot of warehouse and office accommodation split across three individual buildings.

The design and access statement adds: “The new development will provide just over one million square foot of warehouse and associated office accommodation split across three individual buildings.

“Unit 1 will provide 208,000 square foot, Unit 2 will provide 230,000 square foot and Unit 3 will provide 562,000 square foot.

“Each unit will be provided with large HGV service yards with their own secure access points. Each unit will also have dedicated car parking area providing:

Unit 1- 175 spaces including 18 accessible.
Unit 2- 183 spaces including 18 accessible.
Unit 3- 296 spaces including 30 accessible.

“Each Unit will also provide secure covered cycle shelters for staff and visitor use.

“The proposed development site will sit within a high quality landscaped ecology zone which will provide over 100,000 square metres of accessible area for staff and local residents to enjoy.”

According to the planning documents, the site can be accessed from the main road to the industrial estate.

“The site is accessed from Bryn Lane which is the main arterial route to the site”, the design and access statement explains.

“Car and cycle parking will be located to the front of each building giving easy access for all visitors. Parking numbers for the development is to be in accordance with local standards as identified by Wrexham Council. Separate HGV yard access points will be provided to each unit.”

And consideration has also been given to the ecology of the site within the plans.

Areas of woodland will be retained where possible and maintained to retain their ecological value according to the application.

Additional native tree planting will be introduced to the scheme to mitigate any loss and also to extend ecological corridors.

Tree planting will also reinforce the current boundary vegetation, soften the built form and areas of car parking and increase the aesthetic as well as ecological value of the development.

Ponds will be retained where possible and additional ponds added to mitigate any loss and planting will be introduced around the ponds increasing the biodiversity levels on site. Wildflower grasslands would also be planted throughout the site.

Wrexham Council planners will consider the proposals at a future date.

By Rory Sheehan – BBC Local Democracy Reporter

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