Covid 19 Testing

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    We are being told there are plenty of tests available in Wales and yet not many seem to be used.Why then have so few staff at the Maelor Hospital been tested? The public were told all staff were to be tested and yet a month on and it hasn’t happened. If tests are available and staff want to be tested what is the stumbling block? Is there a cost to the hospital for each test? Is it a financial rather than a public health reason behind this lack of testing ?



    I wonder how many nurses and doctors are carrying the virus unknowingly and taking it home with them.



    Not many I wouldn’t think Rondetto as there are zero new cases in Wrexham…



    The point is that the lack of testing of some of the most likely carriers in the area is probably why it is zero — also it is weekend which always has delayed figures that dint come through until Tuesday.
    This is a total farce that Politicians are just not asking Public Health wales for the correct information — at least Rob keeps asking even if he is getting fobbed off.
    Politically they don’t want the full figures out at the moment as it would impact potentially on schools going back. There are all the cases on the aircraft landing into Cardiff yet with 200 on the plane why have their tests not yet been recorded in the Wales PHW figures.



    Janej its as if you don’t want any good news… meanwhile 30 men and 30 women in the UK are dying of Cancer every day of the week, and this is from personal experience.



    I got in touch with the Welsh Government about this issue after ChillDoubt raised it on the forum. They were as concerned as I am and so immediately raised it with the health board.

    The health board have now replied to say they have a plan to test staff without symptoms on a risk basis and that they have told the staff about this. This is a fairly new development and I hope it is an improvement on the situation.

    NHS staff are greatly appreciated by many of us; it’s important that they’re properly looked after.



    Of course I want good news – but I also want accurate news as there are things that everyone can do about trying to stop the spread of Covid. I would never for one minute under value those who die of cancer or need treatment – the big difference is that we can all play our part in containing the spread of Covid we cant however do the same with cancer.
    We are talking about potential avoidable deaths that would be over and above the normal death rate for this time of the year- if we keep people out of hospital for Covid there is more chance the Dr and nurses can get back to treating patients with other illnesses that have for a period of time had appointments cancelled. etc.



    But the general death rate is now below normal, and COVID deaths are now minimal, I just think that common sense with regards to all this business has gone completely through the window. ?



    With the prospect of more elective surgery and out-patients opening to some face to face appointments it is vital that the public are confident that they will not contract Covid 19 while in the hospital. Testing is one step in building back up the public’s trust in the hospital.



    Good news that there have been no new outbreaks of covid 19 in the last four weeks in the Maelor Hospital. However if one of those who have now been in hospital with covid 19 for over 28 days , died they would not be included in the official statistics of covid deaths, they only include those who die within 28 days. One way of manipulating the statistics , no doubt there are others too!

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